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DSF Inaugural Tokenomics Masterclass

July 19, 2023

On 19th July 2023, we organised a series of in-depth learning and interactive discussions in token economics at IDEALondon.

The masterclass, attended by an enthusiastic group of 136 participants, both in person and online, was led by Dr. Jiahua Xu, Associate Professor at UCL and Head of Science at DSF, and Carlo Campajola, Senior Research Fellow at DSF. They explored various aspects of token economics. unravelling the multi-faceted nature of token valuation.

We explored critical areas like crypto velocity, the crafting of incentives, and the design mechanisms vital for the success of crypto ventures. A key highlight of the session was the detailed exploration of how supply-demand dynamics, utility, and scarcity interplay in determining token value. 

In addition, we did not just explore the significance of crypto velocity - a concept that can make or break a token's economy -, but also demonstrated it through practical examples. Interactive case studies and activities brought these concepts to life, allowing participants to apply what they learned in real-time scenarios.

Under the guidance of the speakers, attendees were equipped with the tools to assess token value critically and to devise effective strategies for incentivisation in the realm of digital currencies. 

You can now rewatch the full masterclass video above or here.

Please RSVP your tickets by 17th of July

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