We hosted a webinar on Stablecoins featuring Walter Hernandez, a Research Fellow at DSF and Carlo Campajola, Head of Tokenomics at DSF and a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Financial Analytics at UCL.
On 25th July 2024, we hosted a virtual event on Stablecoins featuring Walter Hernandez, a Research Fellow at DSF and Carlo Campajola, Head of Tokenomics at DSF and a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Financial Analytics at UCL.
Missed it? You can now watch the full webinar here
They discussed;
- the world of stablecoins and explained their pivotal role in the crypto ecosystem
- different types of stablecoins, their backing systems, benefits and use cases, highlighting their rise as a growing asset class after the #DeFi summer of 2020-2021
- the risks associated with algorithmic stablecoins, illustrated by the Terra-Luna crash
- touched on market concentration and regulatory uncertainties
- and presented their research on “The effects of transparency on stablecoin liquidity during the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank”, conducted alongside Jiahua Xu, Paolo Tasca and Carlo; where they analysed USD-USDT liquidity pools on decentralised exchanges during the crisis to identify the effects of transparency.
For an in-depth look at their findings, check out the report here - https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11716